Friday, October 14, 2011

GBBD - October Mornings

When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.

~Marcus Aurelius


While the coffee brewed and I am out with the puppies for our morning inspection came the aha moment that confirmed I was awake - this time of year the moon sets in the sky not far from where the sun will swoon tonight. 

In the quiet of early morning the sky blooms as though one with the garden.  There is no bright line where the 'Betty Boop' roses stop and colored clouds rise on the horizon.

The 'Julia Child' roses send their cheer as I walk back to the kitchen.  In the day planner is a list to-do. Plan A- included trimming away disfigured leaves from the  grapefruit, tangerine and lemon trees, then dousing their leaves with Spinosad.

The strip of bare dirt a neighbor keeps as a fire break never looks better than when triple digit temperatures visit  us.  Today the  temperature sputtered somewhere in the mid-90's. The cooling trend portends longer days outside in our famously pleasant weather.

This lovely little succulent has all the colors of the sunset captured on its leaves- just like the little ceramic fairy painted them. Annie Hayes (of Annie's Annuals) says of one of my favorite in its class -

"The first time I saw Graptopetalum paraguayense ‘Pinky’ without hesitation I fell in love with its densely crowded leaves in sensual sunset hues forming highly attractive trailing rosettes. This was a succulent I could really admire." 

If you hurry to Annie's Annuals catalog- you just might catch the 20% off fall sale. Even if you don't- you will catch a smile. The site is just so darned irrepressibly cute.

Back in my front garden. The last of the stephanotis bloom is about to open and send her perfume into the night air. The collection of pots is largely moved, opening a blank wall that maybe someday will be a backdrop for a wall fountain.

My ambition sometimes exceeds my stature. In my forever seeking perfection through rearrangement- there are two gargantuan pots still to position.  A squat cauldron- like pot needing to be squeezed to the back through the narrow side yard and one tall heffer are left to lift. My regular tree man and his helpers are scheduled to help me get these off the check list next week.  By asking the crew to come when working in Diamond Bar is so much cheaper than asking for a special trip for so small a job.

This little lovely rose looks like a miniature 'Renae'. So romantic in her casual abundance. I've lost her tag. Guess I'll have to buy another to call her properly):-

If you desire to walk about more gardens, hop over to Carol May's garden. A fellow garden writer and member of the Dirty Hands Girl Club, the gates to Garden Blooming Blog Day should open soon.   


  1. Your garden is so ecclectic, Lydia...I love the Variety of goodies...! I went to Annies...My Lordy, there are a lot of plants...I can see why you recomend her....!
    Good luck with the moving of those two Big Pots, my dear...!

  2. Mmmm, whatever that rose is, she's beautiful. I have had to stay away from Annies'. Tooooooo many temptations for a garden that has no more space. And I still have bulbs to plant! I used to rationalize my over-purchasing of roses by planting them at my mom's house, then my aunt's, then my friends'. But I still have a soft spot for colorful succulents like yours ;-)

  3. OOLH - Namoi! How much fun that we shop the same nurseries and have not met. We will have to cure that. When I took my pilgrimmage to Annie's it was a daytrip. Flew up with 2 empty suitcases and home with them carefully packed with plants):-

    Nikki- Any plant that goes home with you is a lucky plant.

  4. Such a beautiful garden. You certainly live in the right place ... right now I'm busy bringing 'in' my potted plants to keep them from freezing. They come in in the Fall and go back out in the Spring. A chore, but worth it to keep them alive. Lucky you. xo

  5. You remind me of all the things I still need to do in the garden. I need to plant my daffodil bulbs. And the tulip bulbs are on the way. Happy GBBD!

  6. What beautiful blooms you have, and I see that we share that wonderful little succulent. It's become a real favorite of mine.

  7. Such beautiful thoughts and images. Why don't you join Seasonal Sundays?........The Tablescaper

  8. Beautiful post...don't you love this time of year! I agree about Annie's...the site and catalog are so cute.

  9. Sue- I adore how most of your garden is open to the elements. I suspect I like watching deer better at your place than I would at mine):-

    Carolyn- Thank you. Your shade garden is an inspiration.

    Sage- My motto is do it, but try to not over do it.

    Dorothy - I love how that succulent has so many pups.

    Tablescaper- I will be by your blog tonight. The only time I entered a tablescape contest I took first place- but didn't get a photograph.

    Scott- Fall is the family's favorite season. The light alone is reason enough. It is magic.


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