Thursday, January 26, 2012

Crisis Management Requires Peace of Mind

Keynote Speaker: Sidney Madwed
"Every goal, every action, every thought, every feeling one experiences, whether it be consciously or unconsciously known, is an attempt to increase one's level of peace of mind."

~Sidney Madwed/ Keynote Speaker and Poet of the Business World

Peace of mind does not happen at once. Like a garden, it is built by a series of actions with serenity the goal. Some strategies offer immediate gratification. Others take years to appreciate.


Shea Zukowski's Lavender, Parsley, Peppermint and Sage has been a lovely little guide to making our home more serene through elevating household chores by turning the laundry into an aromatherapy session. A wet washcloth sprinkled with lemon and bergamot essential oils in a dryer load made folding towels a delight. Tangerine essential oil conjured a perky attitude in  laundress (me) as an extra layer of citrusy aromas emanated from the steam iron.   
Bouganvilllea 'Rosenka' at maturity
 A garden with a view works both ways. If you can see out- every neighbor and passerby can see in. You don't live on a hillside long before the value of  privacy sky rockets. So begins the balancing act between borrowed views and private ownership of  precious solitude.

Everything important I've learned in the garden. Every action begets a lesson. Or two. 

Life is not constrained to written words. The plant tag promised that the bougainvillea 'Rosenka" could be kept to 1' high and 3'wide. 

Across the yard at dusk, you can see her crepe bracts tinged in the color of the coming sunset reaching out wider and taller than the garden bench. Moments should be enjoyed for what they offer. The open silhouette of a tree in winter is as wondrous as summer shade. Nature does not need a thermostat to provide what is most appropriate.  

With a wildland finger  canyon beyond, there is a constant supply of bunnies nibbling on the green lawn. The bougainvillea offers shelter when our puppies take chase. Not that our chihuahua- mixes would have a clue of what to do if they ever caught one. With artful zig-zags and break- we have learned to have faith- this is an unlikely a game of hide- and- seek, where neither bunnies nor puppies would know "what to do" if they actually touched. 

Their exuberant pings across the lawn catapults  joy over low moments.

If there is anything that should be banked for hard times, it is heartfelt joy. Then when your crisis comes, you will find the courage to use hardship to build something beautiful from the broken parts of life. 

Anything  a reserve of joy cannot fix, take it to the Lord. The odds are far more in favor of Him as helper than the government programs that let so many people down.  

With certain exceptions. Government is excellent with straightforward services where private industry does not police itself. Register up to 3 phone numbers to the Do Not Call Registry here.  It won't stop the political or charitable calls or any of the bank wanting to provide one service. But in our home, less ring-alings means I end the day less ding-aling.



  1. As always, with your new camera, great photos!!!

  2. Lydia,

    Yes, great photos!
    I did the Do Not Call registery thing yesterday and as yet the phone hasn't rung today! Keeping fingers crossed!
    Loved your words about fewer ding a lings makes me less ding a ling. Well something like that but oh boy can I relate!!

    Your blog was very poetic today as always.

    XO Trisha

  3. Thank you Sue and Trish for the comments. Trish- be patient with the do not call registry. I think it takes a month to be in full effect. Then if anyone calls who shouldn't- just tell them you are on the registry and they should take you off their list.

  4. Love the quote; can so relate.



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