Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas- Happy New Year- Three Kings Day

The bar is stocked. Port, Madeira and Puerto Rican Rum to bake with. Brandy is at the ready for the last "jerky" batch tomorrow.

The guard of Christmas scents is changing from  greenery- bay leaf wreath, rosemary topiary trees and vases filled with pine branches- to the holiday cooking.

Early this morning steam from the  brine seasonings wafted freely. Cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg and vanilla baking now perfume the air. Before our 3 days of family feasting are done, I will have contributed trays of candy and desserts including nut brittle, hazelnut torte, ginger cake and tiramisu.

The 12 Days of Christmas are our private time. With care, 2010 is tucked away in readiness to embrace 2011.

I will end 2010 with a solitary tradition. The fireplace will be lit. On scraps of paper any unhappiness is written to be fed to the flames. Regret's power is symbolically  reduced to ashes. My head bowed in prayer, a benediction is wished for those who have blessed my life.

Until we meet again, be it in the coming year or in the next life, I wish you peace and prosperity.

As this is the custom of my faith, this I ask in the name of my Lord Jesus, Christ. Amen

1 comment:

  1. I hope your Christmas Day was a Glorious one, dear Lydia! It sounds like lots of good food was served and eaten....!
    And now on to New Years!
    May 2011 be a truly Blessed year for you and yours, my dear!


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