Friday, October 8, 2010

Friday Philosophy - Books - A Love Affair Safe to Admit

We live our lives  like  books in chapters. One following the other. Some are brief, though intense. All hold lessons to learn from. Like a first summer love affair, where the heroine doesn't know the age or grade of the dashing man man who promises to love her forever; she learns too late, he didn't mean live and in person):-

Not all chapters are so delicious, but like washing hands before dinner, are best be done with. Like when youth, proud and brash before the polishing of life experience gains power. Youth with power is not conducive to wisdom. Such a young man might decide it is his role in life to control people by continually holding feet to the fire. Now that worked out real well for Joan of Arc, didn't it?

To react, if you have read  Blink by Malcolm  Gladwell, you have a set of tools. Call them the  "Think on your Feet"  action set.

(L-R) Authors Debra Prinzing and Paula Panich

Paula Panich is the best writing teacher I've ever had. Since what I want more than anything is to be the best writer I can be- if I were a rich woman- daily lessons from Paula until the day I died would have made the bucket list. She is not a frequent blogger, but when she posts, it is always a gem.   Like when she posted  her Top 10 Book List. Fascinating to learn what shapes this scholarly woman. I admire her so- knowing these books are precious to her makes me want to read them. To absorb the life lessons they must hold.

Reading her post, I pulled up the computer and let my mind run to titles as they popped up. I decided not to admit that Put Me in the Zoo or The Velveteen Rabbit are right up there. But it is something to think about, books in the hands of a child are the beginning of a love affair. One that lives on long after the first books are loved to oblivion.

My off- the-cuff list. One I would like to add to, but would break my heart to remove these from:

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Treasury of Recipes by Vincent Price

Roots by Alex Halley

Live a Beautiful Life by Alexandra Stoddard

Maloof beyond 90: an American Woodworker by Gene Sasse

The Abundant Garden by Debra Prinzing

Think a Second Time by Dennis Prager

Happiness is a Serious Problem by Dennis Prager

Love and Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs

Hawaii by James Michener

What books shaped your thinking? Forget the number 10. Let it Flow.....


  1. Lydia, I'm really going to have to put my thinking cap on to even start a list, being the avid reader that I became very early in life. My early years were spent with the radio and our town's public lilbrary, which had an outstanding Children's Dept. One of my fondest meemories was starting the 4th Grade and becoming eligible to apply for my very own Children's Library Card! Of course our parents oversaw and were responsible for teaching us the "rules of the road" for borrowing a book. What a world it opened for me. I probably will mispell the author's name, but there were a series of books for young readers by Altshuler or something like that about early America and the slow move from the east coast. I could visualize each and every character. I will try to put together a real list which represents each decade of my life. Love your post and the challenge. E.

  2. I think Hawaii was one of my all time favorites. I didn't want it to end. Jan Karon's books about Mitford, N.Carolina (a fictional town)and Father Tim contain so many wonderful life lessons. Those are fighting at the top with Hawaii.
    xo Sue

  3. Lydia, I wasn't much of a reader until my very late teens. Then I started with the silly Flemming Bond series. For some reason I remember jumping to Sammy Davis Jr's. Yes, I can. A very substative biography of a hard working succesful person that had struggled in several areas of life. Next came John Steinbeck's Travel With Charley. Oh by then, I believe I was hooked.

    I tried to instill a love of reading in my daughter, Kim and believe I was helpful in the endeavor. Then she had a child. We both read to him as I read to her when very little. Now he is 11 and he's either riding the motorcylce, playing a video game or reading a book. He just started 5th grade, but tested out at 9th grade reading level for comprehension! I know, he will have a life long love affair with learning now, too.

    The two books listed by Dennis Praeger are tempting me to drive go from this blog to Amnazon. com! I listen to him everyday, and I'm constantly astounded at his enormous intellect. I've learned so much from him. I really should pop the money for those two books.

    Thanks for another nice blog. Oh, btrw, noticed I'd missed yesterday's and now I see what you were talking abt in reg email with the heel spur. OMG, I can only imagine how that would hurt.

    Big Hug,

  4. E- Sue and Judy. Thank you for writing in. I am LOVING this thread.

  5. What a wonderful idea, Lydia.
    The book that always comes to mind immediately when I think of Books that were so very important to me and changed my life in some way very fundimental way, is "THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF MALCOM X"....It opened up a door where there had just been a window cracked open before. I think it is ome of the most important books of The Twentieth Century.

    I had read an extended article by Alex Hailey about Malcom X and that brought me to this stunning and revelatory Autobiography.It was 1965-1966....

    I know there are other books, too, but that one jusy leaps to mind immediately.

    I love your list---some of these books are important to me, as well. TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD and ROOTS, to name just two.

    How wonderful to be so inspired by a teacher, my dear. How lucky and how precious, too.

  6. Hi Lydia, thank you so much for your post - you and I are in the same Paula Panich fan club!!!
    I am touched and humbled that you considered adding my tiny little writing effort to this list. You are a gem!
    Missing our California connection...Debra (writing from wet Seattle!)


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