Summer arrived on wings of butterflies just in time to wave good-bye.
Society garlic- you can measure how long you've lived in a home by how many times the clumps have been spaded apart . On triple digit days- stand near a clump and you find yourself craving garlic toast.
The border to hinterlands is mapped by where a thousand shades of green gives way to the taupe of where brush was cleared and the land allowed to lay fallow.
I would not call shrimp plants invasive- their habit is better described as liking local travel.
Rosa 'Betty Boop' continues to grow like a teenager.
The 'Cinco de Mayo' roses are earning a more prominent role in the garden.
Instead of display as a pair- next year I would like to budget to change their use to a hedge. Which means relocating quite a large rose- stay tuned...
Leaves are a source of color and interest. This little spot was created when a terrarium was allowed to spill into the garden.
The charming little angel faced geranium was planted near a seating wall.
The valerian 'ruber' popped up next to her- nature's version of friendship. Who am I to interfere?
My shed- the window was long-ago cast-off from a neighbor's remodeling project. It is a blessing to live in a neighborhood with some really good trash):-
Here's a close up of the bedding begonia. The secret to her keeping in good shape deep into her middle age is regular clipping.
The peppers potted up with roses keep color popping above indigo blue pots in our extra- wide driveway.
'Easy Does It" rose- she doesn't seem to be bothered by the hottest of locations- a curbside hell-strip- that's another rose you should expect to see more planted here in the coming years.
Azalea 'Inga' blooms sporadically throughout the year.
I read frogs are considered good luck in Japan. This one is equipped with a motion sensor-
Along with the ceramic chirper across the front porch
No more rabbit droppings on the front carpet. Which is a very good thing.
Begonia' Ginny' was potted here the week my young niece died. That was a decade ago. I never expected to say goodbye to my niece before any of my plants.
I am on my way to say last goodbyes to a dear friend.
If you ever loved someone - tell them. In the bouquet of life- try not to stuff it with moments of regrets.
Until we meet again- thank you for all YOU do to make the world more beautiful.
May the garden gate still be open to link to May Dreams Gardens Gardens Bloggers Bloom Day