Saturday, September 8, 2012

Loveland, Colorado~The Benson Sculpture Garden ~ Part II

"All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance 

and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence."
~Martin Luther King, Jr. 

THE POTATO MAN, Bronze by Susan Geissler

Never overestimate a disability to be a handicap. Why else would each sculpture in the park be clearly labeled in English and in Braille, if not to honor beauty exists not just or the gifted and fortunate. One does not need to see, to feel. 

FIESTA, Bronze by Carol Gold 

The spare lines of Carol Gold's 'Fiesta' have added power because of  the impression that the bronze dancers are gliding through the Russian sage - Perovskia atriplicifolia. When I first saw a hedgerow lined up against the brick wall at the San Dimas Library near where my dentist practices, I didn't get the excitement. I tried. For years I studied the sub-hedge, trying to get excited  as the magazines were: but the harder I tried, the more it was a big ho-hum. 

That is until I saw the spires dance stiffly by winds pushed up against the Colorado mountains. In this terrain, where the habitat is closer to its native central Asian countries of origin (which includes the mountainous terrain of  Afghanistan, Iran and Tibet) how the distinctive lavender color of flower works in concert with the scent of leaves under altitude driven skies, did all the hoopla make sense. 

Context matters. In writing. In sculpting. In Gardening. Those fortunate enough to travel should not expect much context translates universally into a neatly understood categories. Except for excellence. 

Wherever you travel and with whomever you choose, seeking perfection is a trap, however exercising excellence can lead to perfection.  


  1. These are all so very Beautiful...And all the plantings bring such "life" to these Bronze pieces....This is certainly a very special place.

  2. Lovely words to accompany beautiful statues in serene environment.

    Judy Duvall
    Seal Beach, CA

  3. How appropriate that labels for sculpture are also in braille! I know what you mean about Russian sage :-) There's something about drifts of it in your photo and that 'Fiesta'.

  4. I agree with you about context. I too struggle with Russian Sage in Kansas. But, in Colorado it was so bright and alive, just like most blooms you see there. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on the post about Cheyenne Botanical Gardens.


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